My Husband Rocks T-SHIRTS

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Little girls hair bows

Ok so I LOVE this!! I love her, she has some really awesome, cute, cheap crafty ideas. I fell in love with this idea a few weeks ago, and have been waiting to do it ever since.. SO family pictures are friday. Yesterday I went shopping looking for something for me and cami that goes nicely with ANY of ryan's shirts. This was much more challenging then I thought it would be. He wears a lot of blue, which should be easy to match but not when you live in california and nobody has long sleeve shirts this time of year. (not too fond of my flabby arms taking presidence in the picture). So I decided Ryan would be wearing this:

I found a shirt for me to go with my white skirt. Pretty color huh? only 8 bucks on clearance thank you very much. AND it matches the lighter blue in his shirt.

So then I am thinking about Camis wardrobe.. which consists of mostly pink because for some reason I feel no need to buy her any other color (seriousely?.. thats gonna change). Im thinking.. hmmmmm navy would tie in the other color.. but finding something navy that is also pretty and semi formal for pictures is kinda hard. Then I remember that someone once long ago came up with the idea of Jeans. Brilliant. We have those. So.. an adorable jean skirt, and a white shirt. BORING. (am I picky? yes, im picky. but i dont want to look back at our family pictures in 20 years and think... thats ALL I came up with??) so, a thought comes back to me about a blog I visited a few weeks back... BOOM hits me like lightening. IM MAKING ONE OF THOSE!!! So.. now that ive shared my entire thought process with all of you, here is my finished result. I had the fabric, I had the pin.. I had everything for it. In her tutorial it shows a button. I didnt have a cute button, so I used an orange button that I have from a while back. Covered it with matching fabric. Slipped it up through the hole from the back of the flower, cut the excess, and hot glued the remaining fabric in place. Then I just hot glued the hair clip to the back. This just goes to show that you can improvise if you dont have the right stuff, and it can be free to make stuff like this.

Cute huh?

Here is the finished outfit. Im in love with it.

Make sure you visit her main site for lots of other fun ideas, its called Pink Paper Peppermints.

1 comment:

makana said...

ok. I am going to make this this weekend! inspirational