My daughter has outgrown her crib! So we bought her a twin a few weeks ago. So along with a new bed.. comes, of corse new bedding. For me, this was exciting. Because not only do I get to re-decorate her room (YYAAAAAAAYYYY!!!), but I get to make stuff like curtains, re-paint picture frames, etc. The old wicker basket liners were nasty, as you can see from the picture. Stains, tears, you name it.

So while walking the aisles at Joanns, I found this:
Super cute huh? Super girly and bright. I just LOVE it!

1 1/4 yard fabric
matching thread
fabric scissors
the old wicker basket liner
seam ripper
1/4 inch elastic (measure the whole distance around the top edge of your wicker basket. this is the amount of elastic you will need)
*all seam allowances will be the same as it was before taking it apart. I used 1/4 inch and it worked great*
So I experimented a little. I got my seam ripper out and went to town on it.
I took the whole thing apart so that I could use the pieces as a pattern. Once you have your liner taken apart, iron the pieces:
Next pin your *pattern* piece to the right side of your new fabric:
Cut it out. Repeat until all 4 sides are done.
Then measure the lower side of your piece (see picture below). Cut a square with that measurement. For example. If the edge measures 12 inches, cut out a 12x12 square.

Lay 2 pieces down, right sides together, matching up all edges. Sew down the short side:
Press seams:
Repeat until all pieces are connected. It should look like this:
See how the top edge is larger than the lower edge? Ok now take your square and sew it, one side at a time, to the lower edge. (make sure right sides are together!). Now it should look like this:
Ok now its time to finish our edges. Fold edge over 1/4 inch, ironing firmly as you go. When finished, fold over again but this time do 1/2 inch.
Sew at lower edge of your fold, leaving a small (1 1/2 inch or so) opening so that you can insert your elastic.
Take your string of elastic and wrap it around your basket about an inch below the top. Cut. Slip safety pin through end of elastic and feed it through the opening (make sure as you feed it that you dont lose the other end). Once its pulled through, sew ends of elastic together. Sew opening closed. Youre done!!
Hope you have as much fun with this as I did!
1 comment:
This is perfect. I was just looking at the baskets and thinking I needed to change it somehow. Great post
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